What Are the New Protections for LGBTQ+ Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities?

February 21, 2024

Governor Hochul recently signed into New York Law a “bill of rights” for residents in long-term care facilities who identify as LGTBQ+.

The law includes long-term facilities as:

  • Residential health care facilities;
  • Adult care facilities;
  • Any facilities which hold themselves out or advertise themselves as providing assisted living services and which are required to be licensed or certified under the social services law.

The law prohibits facilities and their staff from making any discriminatory room assignments, admissions, transfers, or discharge decisions based on a resident’s LGBTQ+ status or HIV status. The law also prohibits care facilities from denying or limiting appropriate medical or nonmedical care and requires staff to complete a cultural competency training biennially with a focus on LGTBQ+ residents.

It is important for employers in long-term care facilities to be aware of this law and ensure adherence to it to avoid any legal liabilities.



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