Independent Contractor & Consulting Agreements

If your business hires independent consultants or freelance professionals, then having written independent contractor agreements will provide important protections for both your organization and your contractors. This is a legally binding document that outlines the details of the contractor’s work responsibilities, deliverables, and compensation.

A well-written independent contractor consulting agreement also needs to address issues pertaining to confidentiality clauses and contract termination terms and conditions. Lastly, it needs to specify what course of action can and will be taken should one of the signatory parties breaks the rules and is found in breach of contract.

Halpern & Scrom’s attorneys have extensive experience drafting comprehensive independent contractor agreements that are clear and reflect state-of-the-art protections for our clients. Give your organization the protection it needs when utilizing outsourced professionals such as consultants, contractors, and freelancers. Partner with Halpern & Scrom today and get the legal advice you need to reduce your liability risks.

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